Category Archives: Fun At Home
Teach Your Favourite Song

Have you a favourite song? You will need to be confident about the words and the tune. Can you teach it to someone in your family or to a friend online? Think about the following: Can you write down the Continue reading Teach Your Favourite Song
Tell a Story with Music

In a previous challenge we listened to Peter and the Wolf. Now it’s your turn to tell a story using your instrument. Think of a story that you can tell – you will be the narrator as well as the Continue reading Tell a Story with Music
Musical Counts 7

This is a musical sum. It shows two crotchets. Each crotchet has one beat so it adds up to two beats – a minim. Can you do the following musical sums? If you can’t remember what all the notes are Continue reading Musical Counts 7
Musical Terms 5
Write Down a Walking and Jogging Tune

Can you write down a tune for your instrument using walking notes and jogging notes like these? Don’t forget the treble clef (violin or right hand piano) or bass clef (cello or left hand piano). Here is one I wrote Continue reading Write Down a Walking and Jogging Tune
The Real Jenny Lind

If you have seen the film The Greatest Showman you will remember an opera singer called Jenny Lind. Jenny Lind was a world famous Swedish opera singer in the mid 19th century. She did tour America with PT Barnum, but Continue reading The Real Jenny Lind
Name That Tune 6
Making Music From Junk

Evelyn Glennie is a famous percussionist. She can make music with anything. Have a look at this video: Here she is playing a variety of different percussion instruments: Now find some more percussion music to listen to.