Applications open for school based lessons.
If you want your child to have violin or cello lessons at school, please register here.
Piano, Cello, Violin, Recorder and Music Theory Tuition
If you want your child to have violin or cello lessons at school, please register here.
The violin and cello players will be playing in small groups and as an orchestra on Friday 19th July at 2:30 in the school hall. Family and friends are welcome. This will be the last session of the school year.
Moorlands Music Makers will be playing an end of year concert in an afternoon assembly with the Choir and School Recorder Group at 2:30 on Thursday 11th July. Parents and friends welcome.
The violin and cello players will be playing in small groups and as an orchestra on Tuesday 9th July at 2:30 in the school hall. Family and friends are welcome. This will be the last session of the school year.
The violin and cello players will be in a concert on Tuesday 16th April at 2:30pm in the school hall. The experienced players will be playing solos, the beginners in small groups. All family and friends are invited to attend.
The Moorlands violin and cello players will be playing solos and duets in a joint Music Assembly with the recorder players on Thursday 18th April at 9:05am in the school hall. All family and friends are invited to attend.
The violin and cello players will be in an end of term concert on Friday 15th March at 2:15pm in the school hall. The majority of the older children will be playing solos, the rest will play in small groups. Continue reading Worthington Primary Spring Term Concert
The violin and cello players will be in an end of term concert on Friday 24th March at 2:15pm in the school hall. The experienced players will be playing solos, the beginners in small groups. All family and friends are Continue reading Worthington end of term Concert
The violin and cello players will be in an end of term concert on Tuesday 21st March at 2:30pm in the school hall. The experienced players will be playing solos, the beginners in small groups. All family and friends are Continue reading Saint Anne’s end of term Concert
All the children learning violin and cello at Moorlands will be playing in a Music Assembly on Thursday 9th March at 9:05. All friends and family are invited to attend.