Instrumental Teaching
I have been teaching the cello for Moorlands Junior School since 2006 and the violin since 2009.
Lessons are held during school hours on Thursdays and are group lessons with a standard fee. Parents receive invoices and information including news about future events and exams directly from myself. All queries should be sent straight to me.
We perform in Music Assemblies twice a year and all the children have the opportunity to join Moorlands Music Makers.
Moorlands Music Makers
Moorlands has had a School Orchestra for many years. I started helping with the orchestra in 2005 and took over as conductor in September 2013. The School Orchestra had to be suspended from March 2020, whilst children were not in school or unable to mix. In September 2021 the School Orchestra was replaced by Moorlands Music Makers, a mixed ability group aimed at all children, including beginners. Membership is by invitation. If you would like your child to be considered, even if they have not yet started their lessons, please apply here. Rehearsals are on Fridays from 3:30-4:30 in the school hall.
Apply to Music Makers
Information for Parents